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Some of the decorations awarded to VWOA members in our nation's service

merchantm_pair.jpg (23794 bytes) The decorations at left were awarded to Merchant Mariners who served in WW II.  Leftmost: Mariner's Medal awarded to "any seaman who, while serving on a ship between December 7, 1941 and July 25, 1947, was wounded, suffered physical injury, or suffered through dangerous exposure as a result of an act of an enemy of the United States.  Rightmost: Victory Medal awarded to all members of crews of Maritime Commission ships serving during WW II.

The decorations below were awarded to former VWOA Secretary, Edward F. Pleuler, Jr. and VWOA First Vice President, Miles D. MacMahon. They are, left to right,  Merchant Marine Defense Medal, Merchant Marine Atlantic Zone Medal and Merchant Marine Mediterranean Middle East War Zone Medal.

MerchantMarineAtlanticZone.jpg (16977 bytes)


NewYorkConspicuousService.jpg (15041 bytes) At left is the New York State Conspicuous Service Medal.  To the right is the  New Jersey State Distinguished Service Medal. Below is the Merchant Marine Combat Bar (U.S.).  DistinquishedService.jpg (19242 bytes)
MerchantMarineCombatBar.jpg (3838 bytes)

Bottom are decorations awarded by other nations to American veterans. Left to right, 40th Anniversary of the Great Patriotic War Medal (Russian), 50th Anniversary of the Great Patriotic War Medal (Russian), Veteran and the Battle of the Atlantic 50th Anniversary (Great Britain).

Russian40Anniversary.jpg (23883 bytes) Russian50Anniversary.jpg (21135 bytes)

BritishBattleAtlantic.jpg (13626 bytes)