Awards 1990 to 1995

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Here are some of the other recipients of VWOA awards in years 1990 to 1995:


1990 Marconi Memorial Gold Medal of Achievement

Charles Dana Gibson: In recognition of his many years of specialization to maritime history and especially for his continuing efforts to successfully win veteran status for World War II mariners. Author of many books including The Ordeal of Convoy NY-119, and Merchantman? Or Ship of War?.

Louis R. Mateo: In recognition of his many years of service to merchant marine communications and his devotion to preserving radio communications matters are remarkable of remembrance for historical purposes. Radio officer in war and peace. Author The Banana Boat Romance and many journal articles.

Raymond P. Redwood, SK: In recognition of his many years of service as Radio Officer in the merchant marine and as the writer who successfully published QTC which concentrated on the human interest aspect of radio communications at sea. Retired RAF and merchant marine radio operator.

Ed Pleuler Edward F. Pleuler, Jr.: In recognition of his many years of dedicated service to the field of merchant marine radio communications and his ardent devotion to the VWOA.

1990 Marconi Memorial Scroll of Honor

Albert E. Merrikin (posthumously), Radio Officer, SS Texaco Oklahoma.  Died at his post.


1991 Marconi Memorial Gold Medal of Achievement

David W. Winter, SK Chief Radio Officer and retired Chief Engineer of New York radio staion WEVD. winter.jpg (8867 bytes)

Norman Brouwer, Historian and Curator, South Street Seaport Museum.

1991 Marconi Memorial Award Plaque

Joseph J. Fairclough, Educator and author Education thru Communication. President, Radio Club of JHS22 (New York City).

Peter W. Kemp, KZ1Z,  Educator and amateur radio author.

Carole Perry, Educator and author Introduction to Amateur Radio.

1991 Marconi Memorial Service Award Plaque

SS JEREMIAH O'BRIEN, museum ship in San Francisco, CA

SS JOHN W. BROWN, museum ship in Baltimore, MD

SS LANE VICTORY, museum ship in San Pedro, CA


1992 Marconi Memorial Gold Medal of Achievement


John Z. Alexander, Chief Radio Officer; Comsat Mobile Communications Sales Manager. 22nd President of the VWOA.


John Alexander


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J. Michael Shaw, Marine Electronics Service Engineer, ITT. 19th President of the VWOA.

1992 Marconi Memorial Award Plaque

Kenneth W. Bilby, Assisted in the production of Empire of the Air.

Ken Burns, Producer and Director of Empire of the Air.

Susan Douglas, Assisted in the production of Empire of the Air.

Frank A. Gunther, VWOA member, consultant in the production of Empire of the Air.

Jeanne Hammond, Researcher for Empire of the Air.

Bruce Kelley, Wireless historian, Curator of the Antique Wireless Association Museum, consultant to Empire of the Air.

Robert M. Morris, Consultant in the production of Empire of the Air.

Dana M. Raymond, Researcher for Empire of the Air.

Gertrude H. Tyne, Researcher for Empire of the Air.

Morgan Wesson, Researcher for Empire of the Air.

Edward F. Perry, Jr., Recipient of the Edward R. Murrow Award for WATD-FM, Marshfield, MA, for excellence.


1993 Marconi Memorial Gold Medal of Achievement

Otto R. Claus, Chief Radio Officer; President of the Broadcast Technology Society, IEEE.

Lewis Coe, Wireless historian and author of The Domestic Radiotelegraph System.

Jimmy Dezauche, Jr., Established WLO Radio in Mobile, Alabama.


1993 Marconi Memorial Award Plaque

Henry L. Bertonia, Head, Department of Electrical Enginnering at Polytechnic University.

Gerald Skloot, Educator who introduced over a thousand young people to amateur radio.


1994 Marconi Memorial Gold Medal of Achievement


johnson.jpg (9010 bytes) Edgar S. Johnson, SK



Dwight I. Temple


1994 Marconi Memorial Award Plaque

Capt. Richard G. Beadon, Director of Continuing Education at the Center for Maritime Education.

James J. Fitzpatrick, III, Director of Operations of the Center for Maritime Education.

Eric K. Larsson, Director of the Center for Maritime Education.

Diana Mackay Eigen, Radio Operator in the Royal Air Force during WW 2.

Jacqueline Goodsir, Chief Radio Officer; President of the Women's Maritime Association.

Patricia P. Sands, Director of Volunteer Programs at South Street Seaport Museum.

1994 Marconi Memorial Scroll of Honor

Maung Maue Htus (posthumously), Radio Officer, SS Marika.  Died at his post.


1995 Marconi Memorial Gold Medal of Achievement

Glenn H. Lahman: Manager, Westinghouse Central License Bureau and President Westinghouse Communication Services

Anthony J. Marraccini: President, AAT Communications Corporation

Robert W. Merriam: Professional Engineer & founder of the New England Wireless & Steam Museum.

Capt. Frank Shellenbarger: Master of the S/S Export & Ambassador, Consultant, USCG Auxiliary Communications Officer

1995 David Kintzer Memorial Plaque

CASSIDYw.jpg (3586 bytes) Francis T. Cassidy, Chairman of the Board, VWOA, since 1990.




1995 Marconi Memorial Scroll of Honor

Serhiy B. Bukov (posthumously), Radio Officer, SS Salvador Allende.  Died at his post.

Hepolito Elanga (posthumously), Radio Officer, SS Polydoros.  Died at his post.

Olexander V. Lagno (posthumously), Chief Radio Officer, SS Salvador Allende.  Died at his post.